That thing called Engineering

First semester

Hey, I know you! You were my class mate in my senior secondary school for about one year and then you went to that high school, I went elsewhere. I knew you studied in that college because one of my tuition friends from pre-university (11th and 12th) was in that same class. And now we're back in the same class! God, you've changed.

Seniors - that one is my friend's sister's classmate's brother.

Wow! So the Inter-Collegiate festival is coolly called a fest. And just what the hell is a workshop? Uniform, again?! Ohmygawd, this is a clerk's dress!

Internals for average 25. OK, my next internal is on next month, same date. Better start preparing.

Exam - most of them have bitten their fingers so much that they are no more nails on the fingers.

Second semester

Oh god, not again you. I've had enough with you in my workshop class.

Seniors - wow, just look at them running for interviews and project stuff. When will I ever be a professional like them?

Fest again, yippie!! Something worth to see. The brown uniform is no more brown, its more like an auto-driver's dress.

Internals, alright. Three weeks to go, pull up your sleeves.

Exam - Gotta study harder than last time.

Third semester

Actual lab work. OK. The system isn't starting, maybe chanting "Open sesame" might work.

God, oh god! Output please, come on!

Fest, shall we go?

No more brown uniforms!

Hey, I just realized I'm in second year!

Internals - Two weeks - what should I be studying and what should I chuck?

Exams - Why did they put this subject in the syllabus?

Fourth semester

Boring classes!! Yawn!

Time to get lab manuals inside observation books.

I wore brown uniforms?!

Oh, the internals are up. Wonder what subjects do I have this time?

Exams - Useless university. Reval results come after your marks card with lesser marks do. And I gotta apply again! Sniff.

Fifth semester

Classes? They still exist for us?

Time to see who else's executed the program we have to do today.

Internals - Not back again. Fine, I will study!

Placement - Formal dress. Check. Great hair. Check. Smile. Check. How will I fare? Gulp.

Exams - Routine torture. Let's just finish it.

Sixth semester

Just what the heck is 75% attendance in third year?

The year of pen-drives! Who cares about writing programs?

Internals - There are internals this week. Wonderful, I was thinking of bunking.

Placement - Companies are no more useless than College is.

Exams - Xeroxed question papers are worth more than one single text book/notes is.

Seventh semester

Final year! Seniors! Hmm, come to think of it...there's no difference.

Our juniors are better than us? That's alright, anyway the college never had proper priorities and interests in the first place.

Lab - One day, all programs, no execution, observation and record books corrected. Job over.

Internals - What test do we have tomorrow? I'll read this portion, you read the other one.

Exams - Sleepless nights.

Eighth semester

Lifted code. Working well. Seminars done. Project - a closed chapter.

We'll utilize the rest of the time to see more fests in colleges whose names I just got to know.

Internals - Stepping in the class. Internals? Why didn't anyone tell me? Alright, let me sit next to that geek there.

Exams - Crappy things. Help from old exam papers. Same question means luck or the measure of your creativity in answering.


Anonymous said...

Activities when follow the passion, throughput will come pretty like this.

But passion is built in naturally.

Anonymous said...

When is next??? :-(

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